We are excited to announce our next conference, which will be held at Macalester College, St. Paul, MN, June 17-21.
Here is the great graphic, designed by member Sandra Spannan and her crew at see.gold, and Tip publisher Micki Cavanah.
Sign up for the Society of Gilders Conference 2019
June 17-21, 2019 Macalester College, St. Paul, MN
Download the SOG 2019 Conference Catalog
Offerings include professional and some introductory level classes: verre églomisé, toning of the gilded wooden surface, sgraffito, granito, pastiglia, gold tooling on leather, book edge gilding, and more, as well as lectures, social events, and a community project.
Early-registration is now open!
Discounts for SOG members!