This chair had belonged to my family since I was little. At some point, I had recovered the seat with an ocean-themed fabric. Then the dog chewed on the corner (front left) and the veneer on the back began to come off. I was inspired to do a make-over when the local Boys and Girls Club held its first “Chair Affair” charity auction, in Rochester, MN. The idea was that artists would supply creative chairs to be auctioned off, and the proceeds would go to the charity. I was on the organizing committee, and I wanted to contribute something.
I removed the seat, repaired and sanded the wood, and painted it a warm red. Then I oil-gilded the entire piece with composition gold leaf, and lightly toned and distressed it so the red showed through. Along the back, I applied a print, donated by my friend Charlotte Wiskow, that was of her original oil painting “Silver Lake”. I then varnished everything, re-upholstered the seat, and put it all back together. The chair fetched a high price from a surprise bidder – our family lawyer! I was very touched. It has been in his office ever since.